Carinthia Carinthia iarna

Carinthia, in German Karnten, province in Southern Austria (1991 pop. 547,798, 9,531 sq km.)
Klagenfurt is the capital. Predominantly mountainous, it is the southernmost Austrian province, bordering on Italy and Slovenia in the south. The Grossglockner , the highest point in Austria (12,460 ft/3,797 m), rises in the northeast, at the Tyrol province border. Carinthia has mines (lead, zinc, and magnesite) and well-developed farms (especially in the fertile Drava, or Drau, plain). Manufactures of the province include electrotechnical products, shoes, paper and pulp, and chemicals. There is also an active tourist trade, particularly along the Worther See, a lake near Klagenfurt. ... more

Heiligenblut & National Park Hohe Tauern
The small village of Heiligenblut is among the most touristy spots in Carinthia - alongside with Maria Worth, Velden, Hochosterwitz and Gurk. In the case of Heiligenblut, this is due to the Nationalpark Hohe Tauern and the GroYglockner Hochalpenstrasse. The National Park Hohe Tauern is the biggest of Austria and one of the biggest National Parks in Europe. It covers a total area of 1800 square kilometres and land in the three provinces of Tyrol, Salzburg (biggest share) and Carinthia. ... more