Advent in Styria - Waiting for the Christ Child
Advent in Styria is captivating because of its diverse markets and varied Christmas traditions and customs.
Advent is a time to reflect, a time to find peace, but also a time to connect to people and to celebrate together. City officials in towns and villages throughout Styria are preparing intensely for the most beautiful time of the year. Squares and streets will be ablaze with Christmas lights and glitter. Not only are numerous events held at the small and large Christmas markets throughout the region, but traditional and modern arts and crafts that make for wonderful gifts are on display. The run-up to Christmas or advent is also made shorter and even sweeter with traditional events, concerts and readings.
Big and small Christmas markets like those in Graz, Mariazell, Bad Gleichenberg, Leoben, at Schloss Farrach, in the Joglland or in Schladming shorten the wait for Christmas Day in the Austrian region of Styria. Christmas tree balls make children’s eyes sparkle with joy, gingerbread and the fragrance of baked apples promise many cozy hours and a sip of mulled wine or tea adds a feeling of inner warmth.
Advent in Graz
Every year during Advent, Graz becomes a city of fairy tale wonder and magic. This year, the traditional Christmas markets and exhibitions will provide a festive, pre-Christmas atmosphere starting on November 21.
The nativity scene made of ice in Landhaushof. During the last few years, the monumental artwork made of ice in Landhaushof was a true crowd puller. Once again this year, the famous ice artist Gert J. Hodl and his international ice-cutting team will astound us with a Christmas nativity scene made of ice in Landhaushof.
The most beautiful open-air market. Not only the Christmas markets, but also the retail shops and boutiques in the Graz old town are inviting for holiday shopping.
Christmas markets in the old town. Seven advent markets ensure a holiday atmosphere in the Graz old town. The retail shops have broad range of items, from traditional to modern to the place of “1,000 lights” to beautifully handcrafted items.
Advent in the town of Mariazell
The scents wafting from the gingerbread town at the Magna Mater Austriae during Advent and memories of how Christmas “used to be” are awakened. Those who feel Christmas has become too loud, too colorful, not tranquil enough will find that the old yearned-for ways thought to be lost have become reality during Advent in the town of Mariazell. During the four advent weekends, from November 28 to December 21, 2008 (each from Friday to Sunday and on holidays), many astounding and festive activities are held that captivate residents and visitors alike. Attractions range from the world’s largest hanging Advent wreath, the 5-meter high gingerbread house made of 1,000 kg of real honey gingerbread, the live Mariazell nativity scene with oxen and donkeys, the house-high Mariazell advent calendar and even a ride on the Mariazeller train and the Mariazell Engerlpostamt [angel’s post office], to name just a few.