Christmas Market - Christkindlmarkt
Starting at the end of November lasting till Christmas Day you can find "Christkindlmarkte" on nearly every corner of the city. Small huts provide you with potentiall Christmas presents, food and most important hot punch and "Gluhwein", heated sweetened wine. The biggest ones are the Christkindlmarkt at the Vienna City Hall, at the Spittelberg and inside the University Campus.
Here's a list of Vienna's most traditional Christmas marktes. Make sure to check them out, when you happen to be in Austria's capital around Christmas time!
The "Christkindlmarkt" on the square in front of the City Hall is Vienna's classic Christmas Market. Strolling among the elaborately decorated trees in the park, Viennese and visitors from all over the world can enjoy the wonderful Christmas atmosphere. The tree with seals, the "Kasperl tree", the "Herzerlbaum" (Hearts tree) as well as the "Post office in the clouds" offer a perfect setting for a souvenir photo.
The festively illuminated Schoenbrunn Palace, the former summer residence of the Austrian Emperors, provides a spectacular backdrop for an idyllic Christmas village full of the scent of mulled wine and ginger bread. And almost every day, festive concerts spread Christmas mood!
Our personal tip for your Christmas shopping is the Christmas market at the Spittelberg. In this lovely historical quarter both traditional and original handicraft is sold on narrow granitstone paved alleyways, niches and courtyards. It'sVienna's most authentic Christmas market.
New Years Eve in Vienna
This is for sure: At midnight you will hear the famous Pummerin (bell in St. Stephen´s Cathedral in Vienna and the largest in Austria) strike! Apart from that, everything can happen during the biggest celebration of the year. You can opt for an open-air party inclusive last minute waltz course all over Vienna’s first district (‘Silvesterpfad’), escape three-four time at various clubs (i.e. WUK, Passage, Flex,…) or celebrate in one of the many pubs at the ‘Gurtel’ (B72, rhiz, Chelsea,…) or at Bermuda triangle (i.e. krah krah, Bermudabrau, Brennerei,…). Just before midnight you can watch the official fireworks, which are supported by considerable private efforts, illuminate the city! You can also start this year’s ball season with a banger, famous ‘Kaiserball’. At the magnificent halls of the ‘Hofburg’ you first enjoy a splendid dinner and then mark the beginning of the new year in three-four time. You mustn’t miss famous ‘Neujahrskonzert’ the day after which is performed by the Viennese Philharmonic Orchestra and is broadcast on TV (ORF from 11 a.m., international stations from 12 a.m.).
New Year Concert Neujahrskonzert
This concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, known for playing "serious" music, is dedicated to the Strauss family and the Waltz. Since 1939 this event has been a annual welcome to the New Year, live broadcasted on TV, fast anchored in Austrian tradition and a very popular international event. It has managed to become part of Austrian tradition, its tickets being sold out and its TV broadcast being one of the most successful Austrian show.